Dkatraa App. is an emerging game development studio fueled by passion and innovation. Our team of young, skilled creators is dedicated to crafting unique and engaging gaming experiences. With a focus on quality and creativity, we strive to push the boundaries of entertainment.
We believe in a free, flexible work environment that encourages collaboration and creativity. As gamers ourselves, we’re committed to delivering games that players will love and remember.
Create an account in just a few clicks.
Browse our diverse collection and pick your favorite.
Jump right in and enjoy endless gaming fun!
Network issues, High Ping,
Frequent Disconnections
Tutorials, Graphic settings,
Cloud sync errors, etc
Controller not working, slow mouse, etc
Billing, Plan Activation,
Disabled Account, etc
Game or Platform
Dkatraa App. offers a wide range of games, including casual, action, puzzle, and strategy genres. Our library is continually expanding, so there’s always something fresh for everyone!